Hey You!

I’m so happy you’re here..

i'm Monique

Human Design Guide

Guidance with Self Empowerment, Self Love, & Self Acceptance

what i do

Human Design is NOT a rule book, it's an EXPERIMENT.

Human design is an amazing system/tool/modality used to understand ourselves and how we operate. It’s about energy. We all ​understand energy. As human beings. It’s one of our super powers. And I believe we can use it more and trust it. The Human Design ​System gives us a unique energetic owners manual based on when we were born into this life experience. (Re)Learning how to be here ​and creatively express as the humans we are designed to be is mapped out in your human design body graph chart. This becomes a really ​helpful tool to be used as a roadmap back to who you’ve always probably felt like you are. Because well, you are. Human Design blends ​ancient modalities like astrology with Quantum Physics, biochemistry, genetics, the Hindu chakra system, Judaic Kabbalah and the ​Chinese I'Ching to generate a human identity treasure map detailing all of your unique gifts, traits, and super powers that we often write ​off as if everyone has the same ones. Human Design is the science of differentiation. It allows for us to have awareness and a layered ​and experimental approach to ourselves, others, and this life experience in general.

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benefits of understanding your Human Design:

  • Cultivating a deep and/or deeper self love and self acceptance with ourselves
  • Being able to show up with more understanding and compassion in your relationships with others
  • Being able to parent in a way that supports your child’s unique energetic design (it takes a lot of the thinking out of it)
  • Being able to practically apply your unique energetics to how you conduct business and business relations
  • Being continually fascinated by gems of validation and release as you keep discovering layers of design and how it can apply to your life existence



Hey you, I am so happy that you are here and reading this. I really want to emphasize my gratitude for your time, energy, and interest. Thank you.

So, several years ago I started a journey of self re-discovery. This was not necessarily at the time, a fully intentional dive into myself, I’ll freely admit that. I later learned about this thing called Human Design, and I have come to realize that my splenic inner authority was starting to make the calls. I just was not fully aware at the time. But, here’s what happened as my journey towards self-rediscovery ensued and my way of living imploded and changed radically in so many ways.

I felt lost. I felt confused. I felt indecisive.

I felt like I was living from a place of mostly feeling frazzled, emotionally unpredictable, and unsuccessful in most areas of my life.

I signed up for a course. A Spiritual Life Coaching/ Soul Purpose Course. I figured, hey, it can’t hurt to learn some ways to coach myself through life. Along this part of my journey, Human Design found me and when I started to really understand enough to integrate this information into my life, my life started to feel different in a really, really good way. I haven’t looked back since. In fact, quite the opposite, I have been moving forward and helping others move forward in a natural and fluid way ever since.

Your Human Design Journey

starts here




No matter where you are in your journey, ​this is a private and unique session with me ​where I take you through your entire design. ​This is hugely transformational. Available ​for individuals and connection charts!

Sound Recording Studio Audio


Group Of Women Having Fun




I send you an audio recording of me talking about you, based on your human design body graph. This is also a really great option for parents wanting to start exploring their children's energetic designs.

Gift for you or a loved one. A pre-recorded audio AND some question and answer time with me after.

Other ways to collaborate with me

If you are part of a group or have an existing group of people that you work with or teach or learn with and feel that they may benefit or be excited by the opportunity to receive this information, please know that this is one of my favorite ways to connect! Being invited to speak to small groups about human design is one of the places that I shine! Invite me, if it feels right.

I believe Working, hiring, productivity, and success can be easier when integrating human design knowledge into your approach with your staff. If you want to see your existing employees in a new way and begin to leverage the way their energy works and create a happier staff and overall environment, this is a really amazing and efficient way to do that. If you are just starting a business and hiring people and want a really informative way to approach that, one that invites more ease and specificity, this is a great opportunity to do just that! Invite me, if it feels right.

Podcasts, Live events, Festivals, Retreats- I’m really into all of these things. Invite me for a chat, collaboration, opportunity for expansion. I am here for it. I believe in the power we have to leverage ourselves and each other when we are surrounded in the correct environment for us.

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Working with


I believe it’s time. It’s time. It’s your time. If you are feeling like you have spent most of ​your time living for someone else, something else, or feel like you’ve assumed an identity ​that you don’t even really recognize anymore, I believe it’s time. You found me on purpose. ​I’m here for this. I’m here for you. I am wildly passionate about reminding you of all the ​ways your uniqueness is magical and worthy of living out, expressively, creatively, ​authentically and as only you can. It’s time, my friend, to give up the perceived notion of the ​safety of the hustle, forcing or mustering up energy to do what you think you need to to get ​ahead or be better, time to stop BSing yourself and become magical as you follow what ​lights you up and discover the secret to ease and flow, our natural birth right! Working with ​me you’ll be guided back to yourself and your divine connection to spirit through listening to ​your own inner knowingness and learning to understand , honor, and respect your energy

don't just take my word

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Working with Monique has been a wonderful experience. Learning about my Human Design through her has been eye-opening, validating and such an act of self-love. Through this process, not only have I become more accepting of myself, but I’ve also become more curious, more open, more understanding and more welcoming of ALL parts of me.

A session with Monique feels like a delicious act of self-care. She brings her unbelievable wealth of HD knowledge to each session while simultaneously holding space for what unfolds both informational and emotional. She shares this information in a digestible way and always allows time for questions.

Learning about my Human Design from Monique has been one of the BEST gifts I have ever given to myself. And it feels not only for me, but for all those in my life. As I understand myself more and live in my design, I undoubtably radiate that out to the world. Working with Monique has been pure joy and I highly encourage anyone interested to work with her to book a session!

-Cecilia R. (6/2 self-projected Projector)

love human. be spirit. podcast

A podcast with intention.

By: Amy Douglas & Monique Sampedro

A podcast with intention. To embody spirit. To live with intention of the remembrance that we are in essence, Spirit. Soul. Source. God. The Divine. The Universe. The Fucking Cosmos. Each Other. We are all connected. We are all everything. To be reminded of this regularly, is to love in a human way. We feel that Human Design helps us better remember how. We are all made of divine perfect spirit love. We are all uniquely and perfectly designed. Love yourself. Daily. Regularly. Intentionally. Then love all the other humans you want; the embodiment of spirit will just come through.


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have we met yet?

I'm Monique

your human design GUIDE

mo xoxo

My clients

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“Monique has a personal and insightful approach to human design. Her reading has stuck with me and has allowed me to live more authentically in my design! She provided me with mantras and tools that I use daily to navigate the world and my decision making. I had a general understanding of Human Design, but monique opened my eyes to so much with highly attuned and relevant examples. I highly recommend Monique to those who are new or experienced with human design!”

-Phoebe R. 6/2 manifesting generator

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Monique has a gift for creating a loving, open space to explore the deepest parts of ourselves and not just making it feel safe to express ourselves but to embrace it as the most amazing gift in life. She puts out a cool vibe that is intelligent and down to earth in such a way that it's relatable and applicable. She is a gift to anyone who knows her and has a chance to have her peek into your design help you unravel who you are meant to be so that you can be your most Authentic Self.

-Michele M. 6/3 emotional Manifestor

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What can I say about Monique? If you have spent any time listening to her, then you already know it’s going to be all good things! I know the first reason I decided to get a reading by Monique was because of her voice. Something about the tenor of it was, for me, like a cozy, soft and luxurious blanket, that you just can’t help but want to wrap around yourself. Along with that amazing voice, is an incredible insight and wisdom. I just knew I wanted her to see and then say and I was blessed so much. She made me feel seen and helps me to understand myself and my design in a safe and loving way. Her readings are practical, inspiring and so validating. I obviously adore her and am so grateful our paths have crossed, get a reading and you will too!

-Gabrielle G , 6/2 Emotional Generator

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Monique is truly fascinated by human design. As I continue to unravel the complicated nature of what it means to be human, I have gone back again and again to Monique to dig further into how I can embrace my unique design and thrive. For me, HD is an act of self love, and a way to map new models of productivity and success. Monique with her relentless curiosity is an excellent guide.

-Amy Louise L. 1/4 sacral Generator

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top ways i feel i exist best




singing and/or dancing to my favorite music

reading & learning about things I’m interested in

eating delicious food/drinking delicious drinks



reading & learning about things I’m interested in


connecting in conversation with expansive humans



laying in bed with my cat purring on me


delicious food &


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My Human Design

1/4 Splenic Projector

My incarnation cross-

Right Angle Cross Vessel of Love 46/25-15/10

My energetic channels of expression-

57-10- Channel of Perfected Form

44-26- Channel of Surrender

11-56- Channel of Curiosity

My Astrology





Cancer sign icon


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Top things to know about me:

I am a mother to an amazing child, a 2/5 ego-projected projector, named Mia. Being her mom has shaped me as a human and continues to do so, every single day. She is already a guide in her own right and I am the first one to say that we can learn so much from our children and what they are here to teach us


I really enjoy connecting with people deeply and authentically. I am designed for profound intimacy, honesty, and connection with the other. I am quite literally built for it. I realize that this type of connection is not comfortable for everyone. If you want to get real about things, I’m your girl. If you don’t like to get deep in existential topics while applying them practically to this life experience, I may not be your girl.


I love to laugh. I think I am one of the funniest people I know. I crack myself up, regularly. I love when people laugh out loud. I love when people can laugh and make me laugh. I believe a sense of humor is of utmost importance in this life experience. Also, I believe that the universe, nature, God, the cosmos, all of that, have an incredible sense of humor, if we care to look, from that angle.


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ways my design shows up when I get to connect with you

My projector aura is designed to see the potential in you. I will be able to feel into your energy after a few moments being together and start to be able to see parts of you inside of you and recognize them.

My defined ego has a motivating energy that turns on when I do this work. I am able to transmit the frequency of that motivation to you while pointing out your uniqueness and amazing ness. We are all magical. I truly believe this.

My 1/4 profile combined with my channel of curiosity and my innate projector awareness allows me to ask penetrating questions from a genuine place of innocent curiosity backed by love.

I'm Interested in...

Deep Dive Design Reading
Family Design Reading
Human Design Reading
Happy Family

My clients

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“Monique has a personal and insightful approach to human design. Her reading has stuck with me and has allowed me to live more authentically in my design! She provided me with mantras and tools that I use daily to navigate the world and my decision making. I had a general understanding of Human Design, but monique opened my eyes to so much with highly attuned and relevant examples. I highly recommend Monique to those who are new or experienced with human design!”

-Phoebe R. 6/2 manifesting generator

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Monique has a gift for creating a loving, open space to explore the deepest parts of ourselves and not just making it feel safe to express ourselves but to embrace it as the most amazing gift in life. She puts out a cool vibe that is intelligent and down to earth in such a way that it's relatable and applicable. She is a gift to anyone who knows her and has a chance to have her peek into your design help you unravel who you are meant to be so that you can be your most Authentic Self.

-Michele M. 6/3 emotional Manifestor

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What can I say about Monique? If you have spent any time listening to her, then you already know it’s going to be all good things! I know the first reason I decided to get a reading by Monique was because of her voice. Something about the tenor of it was, for me, like a cozy, soft and luxurious blanket, that you just can’t help but want to wrap around yourself. Along with that amazing voice, is an incredible insight and wisdom. I just knew I wanted her to see and then say and I was blessed so much. She made me feel seen and helps me to understand myself and my design in a safe and loving way. Her readings are practical, inspiring and so validating. I obviously adore her and am so grateful our paths have crossed, get a reading and you will too!

-Gabrielle G , 6/2 Emotional Generator

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Monique is truly fascinated by human design. As I continue to unravel the complicated nature of what it means to be human, I have gone back again and again to Monique to dig further into how I can embrace my unique design and thrive. For me, HD is an act of self love, and a way to map new models of productivity and success. Monique with her relentless curiosity is an excellent guide.

-Amy Louise L. 1/4 sacral Generator



What if I told you that it was less about fixing what you think is wrong/broken/flawed (fill in any word) with you, and really more about remembering and rediscovering what is uniquely special about you and understanding how that can express energetically?

What if some, or all, of the feelings, insights, behavior patterns, creative expressions, bodily instincts, and even ways of thinking or processing information, had specific wording that corresponded, based on your unique chart to describe what you’ve always known and experienced?

What if there was a map and a guide that allowed for space and shared information for you to come back into yourself, into your body, into your connection with yourself and the others around you?

What if I told you that you had access to this resource to experience validation, relief, recognition, permission, understanding, compassion and deep self acceptance and self love for yourself and as a result, those around you?

I believe that if you’re ready to invite me and it feels right for us to work together, that by me guiding you through your unique human design chart and us learning, together, how to understand, express, and integrate this invaluable information for you, so that you can invite more ease and flow and play and most of all love into your life experience, we can get to some amazing places right here, right now. I believe all the answers are right inside you, right now. Allow me to share some of what I see in your design. Allow me to ask questions you may have never thought to ask. Allow me to see you deeply and remind you and guide you back to who you know you are. Allow me to share my gifts of intuitive, in the moment insights.

Allow me to share all the potentials I see within you.

I am so here for it, if you are.

If this all resonates for you and you enjoy an honest, practical, and fun approach to self awareness and discovery, I believe there’s a really good chance that you didn’t find me by accident.

Let’s get to know each other more!

Let’s get to know ourselves more!

We’re in this together.

Love yourself.

frequently asked



What do I need to get started?

Your birth information. Full date of birth.

Year, month, date

Exact time of birth

Place of birth (city, state, province, country)

An open heart and open mind for amazing revelations to come through.

What are the benefits of learning human design for parents?

Understanding our child/children in this energetic way allows for so much acceptance, support, understanding, and guidance for us as parents. When I first had that moment when I realized something on my kids chart that allowed for me to experiment with adjusting one tiny detail in our daily morning routine and it changed the entire feeling of the morning from struggle to ease, is when I really understood the impact that understanding this information could have for parents everywhere. Being able to support our children and simultaneously learn from them in this way is a true gift. I believe if children are brought up and supported with regard to their aura and energetic design, the next generation of humans will know their inherent worth, value and enough-ness on a deep level. I also believe they will be able to understand themselves and others in a profound way and get to experience life with more ease and unique success.



What if I don’t know my exact birth time?

While it is important when working with the Human Design system, we may still be able to work together.

First option- can you track it down? Hospitals, and state records can be obtained with a little diligence. I can help ask me how when we meet.

Second option- we meet and I will spend some time plugging in different times the day you were born. We’ll go from there.

I believe you can still receive massive benefits with this information even when going off of the main points of learning, so if you feel called, let’s talk more and see what we can make happen!


Can you change your human design chart?

No. We are who we are! And that’s a beautiful and necessary thing! This system isn’t about changing anything about how you beautifully and uniquely operate as a human being, so much as it is about learning to understand, navigate and/or becoming more aware of how we energetically tick. With more level of awareness of how we can choose to be performing optimally for our unique energetic human vessel, comes self-acceptance and deep self-love. Your chart is YOUR unique map back to yourself. We start as our most true self and then get conditioned by life. And honestly, that’s kind of the point of this whole experience. It’s not bad or good. IT JUST IS. But becoming aware of how it happens for you and from whom- that’s where the self empowerment comes in. And then you realize. I wouldn’t change a thing. We are all perfectly designed as we are. And also perfectly misunderstood by ourselves and others.

Do I have certifications ?


I have been certified as a Spiritual Life Coach through the Dharma Coaching Institute. I have been certified as a Human Design Reader from Dayluna and am listed on their site as a recommended reader. I am also extremely self taught. I am a projector designed to understand systems and designed to understand the other. I have an insatiable will to learn about this system and humans in general. I am highly intuitive with learning, integrating, and teaching this information. I have studied people and strived to understand them without judgement and from a place of divulging in their unique essence for ever. As a bartender, as a child, and now, as a healer and transmitter of this information.

So yes, I have certifications. So many.


How is human design different than astrology and other modalities?

While astrology is a big piece of the human design system, there are so many other pieces and layers as well. It is a very complex system. Astrology deals with planetary placement and the influence that has on us as human beings. There will likely be parallels to what you know about your astrology and what you learn about your human design. And then, there is just so much more to get into with design. What we are really talking about is understanding our energetic body. We all have a perfectly designed human body while we are here, and human design gives us different ways to practically apply what we learn about ourselves to this human body experience. We get to experiment with this information. And start to have fun with life. It gets to be easier. We’re quite literally designed for ease. If we learn ourselves. And be ourselves.

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Family Connection and Communication Awarness Reading

A 90 minute one on one with me over zoom (recorded so I can send ​to you after of course) where we will get into you and your family’s ​dynamics and energetics. Being able to honor and support ​ourselves and our loved ones energetically is one of the most ​beautiful gifts of the Human Design System. We get into how your ​charts all play together, how the energy may or may not be flowing ​in your little penta unit! We can cover specific family themes that ​you want to get more clarity on or I can tell you what I see in the ​designs, or both!


Human Design 101

1 hour live Human Design Reading Session with me on zoom.

We get to connect one on one via zoom for an hour. I’ll guide us through discussing different aspects of your unique human design chart. We will have more time to go into the main parts of your design (type, authority, strategy, profile lines). We will also get into other parts of your chart. This is largely guided by my intuitive hits in the moment of what information wants to come out of me to be shared with you. This can also be guided by you, if there are specific areas of focus you want me to look at (relationships, career, parenting, etc). This session is recorded (if that’s ok with you) and sent to you afterwards so that you may keep it or re watch as desired. You will receive a follow up email from me with reminders and resources specific to you and your design.



90 min one on one live deep dive Human Design Reading Session with me recorded on zoom

This option gives us the most time together. I am always excited to have more time together. It allows me to really dig into the main parts of your energetics and get into some of the more nuanced areas of your design and how best to understand, navigate, access, and leverage some of your unique beautiful energy. We do this on zoom, record (with your permission) and sent to you afterwards as well. Follow up email with specific resources and reminders for you.



Human Design Reading with Monique & Amy from Love Human. Be Spirit. Podcast.

Our intention will be to hold the space for your desired outcomes ​while initiating and guiding you to your highest, most authentic self. ​As the dynamic duo we are, we bring the power and wisdom of both ​of our energy types and vast experiences to empower you to live ​fully into your beautiful, unique design. Working with us will be ​tailored to your specific needs, desires, and intentions.

Each session will be 75 mins in length.


How to Get In




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